Thursday, October 25, 2018

Download War:: The 6th Installment in the Chloe Daniels Mysteries (Volume 6) {pdf} by Deidra D. S. Green

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Thunderous applause and cheers rose up from the dense crowd, enough to drown out the snipers silenced rifle. The first scream was heard as a loud cheer, as was the second and the third and the fourth. The sniper lined them up and mowed them down without anyone being the wiser, well, until the bodies began dropping. And even then, the realization that they were under attack eluded the fair goers. It would be a while before full-fledged panic set in. By that time, she would have done what she came to do. Lining the next target up in the scope of her long range “Twilight” sniper rifle, she blinked once, leveled her breathing, and when she opened her eyes,.
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